Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hitting the ESC key once in a while is a good thing.

Got back from a stint at the summer house. I went with The Father who wanted to get away to work on his next book.

It was nice being gone from all the inevitable drama that surfaces when a group of girls come together. The latest news is that The Relationship Girl in The House stole The Social Chair's boyfriend. It was all pretty dramatic, but apparently they were all at a weekend party together and stuff just went down. The House is totally divided about it and I swear if it gets in the way of Rush I will drag that dirt out during our Rush Prep and sort it out. The Relationship Girl is a manipulative one, but really I think she's just insecure. She can never be single, being the major point. She generally gets with a guy, gets bored of him, and waits until something better comes along. Although, stealing The Social Chair's boyfriend was low even for her.

The Social Chair seems pretty stoic about it... pissed as hell, but she seems to be dealing with it. I had her come up the last few days to spend it with me here at The Main House and we talked about it over poolside margaritas. She is probably the person I trust most on The Rush Board and I can't afford to have her go through an emotional breakdown this close to Rush.

The other inconvenience in this whole situation is the fact that The Social Chair's now Ex-Boyfriend is a bro at The Mansion with The Guitar Hero. Which means that any and all events that they host, The Relationship Girl and I will be invited to and she will want to go with me. I never liked her all that much to begin with... but I do not want to have to pretend that what she did was okay.

Tomorrow I think I might take The Social Chair out shopping to cheer her up... and get her to hit on the cute guy that works in the shoe department of our favorite department store... I've noticed him on several shopping occasions. As for tonight, we're going to stay in and watch movies while drinking champagne and eating chocolate covered strawberries.

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