Tuesday, March 31, 2009

And the exhaustion settles in

This past weekend has just been filled with tons of stress what with The IFC Webmaster getting into the accident and all the crap going on at The Guitar Hero's house.

The IFC Webmaster is going to be okay, but the other brother from The Freemason Fraternity is not in good shape. The doctors put him into a medically induced coma to try and limit brain damage, but we're not sure what's going to happen. We spent Sunday and Monday in emergency Panhell/IFC joint meetings to discuss the situation. Extra counselors are on hand now to be available to talk to people. The University Administration has sent out an email briefly explaining what happened... like anyone needed it... that news spread like wildfire through Greek Row.

This whole ordeal has just been even more stressful after The Guitar Hero just unnecessarily threw a fit over the weekend. He got mad that I was planning to leave the carnival/picnic early to go visit The IFC Webmaster in the hospital. I don't really see why he was even mad... it was his mother's fundraiser, not his. He insisted that he would drive me to his house and drive me back and then on Saturday, he wouldn't drive me to the hospital. What a fucking childish thing to do. So I called The Flirt and he came and picked me up which pissed off The Guitar Hero even more and went to the hospital. The IFC Webmaster looked pretty bad... he was bandaged everywhere and apparently broke some ribs and an arm.

The Flirt was pretty pissed at The Guitar Hero and for once, I agreed with him. He's just getting jealous and annoying about it because all I wanted to do was to visit a friend in the hospital.

The police are still conducting an investigation about what happened, but it seems like this other car had been driving erratically and they swerved to miss it, but hit another car. It just seems like a really messy case. Both The IFC Webmaster and the other Freemason bro were both completely sober at the time, but that didn't stop the fuckers at The University Daily Paper to say that "it wasn't known if alcohol common to Greek life was in the brothers' systems." Uh objection. It was known. Alcohol wasn't a factor, at least not on their part and there are blood panels and urine samples to back that up. Seriously people need to stop painting Greeks as drunkards who are responsible for these kinds of injuries and accidents.

Going back to the hospital later today to cheer The IFC Webmaster up. I'll probably try to sneak him some contraband food... a break form all the hospital food.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Calls in the middle of the night are never good

Just fell asleep after coming back from The Flirt's impromptu mid-spring break party and of course was woken up by a late night (early morning?) game of telephone.

The Panhellenic President just called to say that The IFC President called her to say that The IFC Webmaster and another brother in The Freemason Fraternity got into a car accident a few hours ago. He was hurt pretty badly and is now in surgery and we don't know what the hell happened or what is going on. I don't even know how The IFC President found out. I'm guessing his parents called someone since The Greek Advisors have already been alerted and Panhell/IFC are being called now.

Apart from still being partly drunk, I can't handle this right now. I've known The IFC Webmaster since freshman year since we lived on the same floor. He's an awesome guy and I'm completely worried about both them right now. The Panhellenic President said that the parents might want some support from the few of us that are relatively close and can visit the hospital... which apparently means me, The Pageant Princess, and The Flirt. And I have to call The Pageant Princess to let her know about it. We're holding an emergency meeting when we get back to school.

I don't know how this scheduling is going to work with the DAR fundraiser which consists of a banquet tomorrow night and a carnival and picnic on Saturday. I might need to drive from The Guitar Hero's to the hospital if necessary and I don't know how that's going to go over.

How is this any kind of break!? I've had more stress this week than the last month. Taking an Advil and going back to bed after I call The Pageant Princess.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Flip Flop?

So the original plan was to spend half of spring break at my house and half at The Guitar Hero's. That all went to hell when The Guitar Hero's mother decided to host an alumnae event for her alumnae group of The House and another DAR fundraiser. Of course, she wanted me at her alumnae event because I'm just oh so wonderful and she wanted to show me off to her biddy friends. And then she wanted The Guitar Hero and me to be at the DAR fundraiser to help fill her table. And because this is The Guitar Hero we're talking about, he begged me to comply and said how important it was to him... yadayadayada. So now I'm going to be spending a few days in the middle of break at home, which isn't making my family completely ecstatic, but The Mother knows what kind of woman The Guitar Hero's Mother is and knows that she rules with an iron fist under those kid gloves.

The alumnae event was this past weekend and it ended up being one amazing headache for me. The Guitar Hero's mother discovered that The Nana was in The House and immediately sent her an invitation to come to her alumnae event. After a few rounds of cocktails, this ended up being The Nana telling The Guitar Hero's mother about how The Guitar Hero had disrespected her... which led to The Guitar Hero's mother lecturing The Guitar Hero which turned into him getting pissed at me and ended up in us fighting in his house and probably within earshot of his entire family. The Sorority Prodigy took me out for a ride on her champion horses to get me away from him for a while. I think she talked to him later that night and told him to stop being an ass.

I think he realizes he's being a dumbass and how none of that is my fault, but I don't know. He likes to hold a grudge for a while so whatever. He can be a dipshit for a few more days. The Older Brother is coming to pick me up today. I think we're going to have some lunch before we get home. I really haven't spoken much with The Guitar Hero since Sunday when everything went down.

I really hope this shit clears up because I really do not need to pretend to be the perfect young couple with him during the DAR fundraiser when we're clearly not.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring BREAK!

So I completely missed class, which is fine since most people didn't show since it's spring break. I'm not really doing anything "spring break-y" for spring break this year either. The Guitar Hero wants to spend all of Spring Break together as our "anniversary" thing. We never really established when we were "official" or whatever, so he wants to spend half of spring break at my house and half at his. I feel like we're going to end up going on a yacht trip with his family, which means I need to shop for new spring season pieces. His mother will judge like no other.

I think there might be like... a day or two in between that I won't be seeing him... which leaves very little time to hang out with The Rich Bitch since we'll both be in town for once... and The Flirt apparently is going to be throwing a rager since his parents are going out of town for some function or another. The Sorority Prodigy wants to go... which already is going to create problems because she'll want me to go with her so she can have someone to hang out with at the party besides The Swimmer and that fact is going to piss off The Guitar Hero since he does not like The Flirt at all.

That and I'm already going home to enough drama as it is since The Nana will be coming at some point this week and if it is when The Guitar Hero is here... I'm gonna need a lot of martinis to make it through. Not to mention The Older Brother is coming home for a visit just for kicks. We worked out the majority of our issues but he doesn't know that The Wine Heir occasionally texts me drunk with all kinds of things. No one really knows about that and i'd like to keep it that way purely because I do not need anymore drama in my life.

I feel like this isn't even a break at all with the amount of work I'm going to have to put into looking good and being the perfect daughter, granddaughter, and sister to my family and girlfriend of son, sorority big sis of daughter, and spring break guest to The Guitar Hero's family.

So many roles and so little time. First thing on the list for today: go shopping for spring pieces with The Sorority Prodigy. She'll know the right kinds of florals to please her mother without going overboard.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Recover, Rest, Rally

I haven't been THAT drunk in a LONG time.

The Pageant Princess, The Sorority Prodigy, and I went to The Charter House to hear some dirty limericks and join in on the St. Patrick's Day festivities. The second I got there, The Flirt ran up to me with cups of "The Green Goblin"... the green version of their jungle juice. Of course boys being boys, they named it after an evil villain. The sign on the big cooler was a sketch of the Green Goblin. The Sorority Prodigy and I replaced it halfway through the night with a picture of Shrek.

Anyway, I don't know the exact formulation of The Green Goblin jungle juice, but something tells me that the green didn't come from food coloring and instead came from absinthe. There definitely was a funky aftertaste that I'd never tasted before. And then after two cups of that, we went straight to rounds of flip cup with green beer, which progressed into beirut... The Flirt and me vs. The Sorority Prodigy and The Swimmer. And then we switched. I will say that The Sorority Prodigy and I kicked massive ass. It's basically classic beirut rules - elbows not beyond the edge of the table, blowing balls out of cups and fingering balls out of cups allowed. We fingered and blew all of their balls out of our cups, so The Flirt and The Swimmer ended that round with no cups sunk and thus had to suffer the consequences. They had to run around the block butt naked. But we were a little merciful because it's still freezing outside and I really don't need to see them in that condition, so they conceded to streaking around in their boxers.

We left at some point that I don't quite remember clearly and I came over to The Mansion, took some Advil, a handful of vitamins, and drank a bottle of water before passing out in The Guitar Hero's bed. I'm here now actually and it's ridiculously early in the morning. I always somehow manage to wake up early after a long night of drinking. I have a slight headache but I probably just need some water.

And then tonight at midnight, a bunch of us are going out again because it's The Shopaholic's 21st birthday. I'm going to have to take it easy and cut back on all the empty calories.

Anyway, I'm going back to bed because it's unnecessarily early. I may or may not go to class today.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Green and Guiness Aplenty

St. Patrick's Day 2009. Another milestone in the party calendar. I feel like we always do Mardi Gras a little better though. Everything is just too green on St. Patrick's Day. Green beer, green jello shots... even The Chef this morning made green eggs and ham.

That and as a tribute to the Irish, every fraternity just makes a huge batch of green beer and settles in with the determination to outdrink the Irish. The Flirt invited me over for a round of drinks with the boys at The Charter House, who are up to a new challenge since they have a bro who is actually from Ireland and decided to come to school here. I imagine they're going to be making up bawdy limericks all night and when they get really drunk, they'll start singing "Oh Danny Boy." That's all I need... to be hanging out with a bunch of drunk and crying frat bros.

Monday, March 16, 2009

There's a reason why they call it PanHELL.

Honestly Panhellenic meetings are chaos at times. The Panhell President is from The Debutantes and she, The Pageant Princess as VP Membership, and I are generally all on the same page about things, which is totally important since we are at the top of the food chain. But the Director of Programming is from The Barbie's Whorehouse and honestly I've never wanted to strangle someone so badly. She is just so hoity toity and thinks she's better than everyone else.

We had an emergency Panhell debriefing today over an IFC issue from the weekend... which only served to make my Monday nights even longer than usual. Apparently some of the bros over at The Freemason Fraternity (their nickname since they're basically all elitists and super secretive) just got busted by the cops for some drug dealing and now their entire chapter might lose their charter with the university and those guys might just get kicked out entirely. There were news vans all over the place since it was a pretty big bust apparently. We've been doing our part to minimize bad press.

In any case, The Director of Programming aka The Elitist Bitch is in a pretty serious relationship with one of the bros at The Freemason Fraternity (surprise surprise) and she kept going off about how dealing drugs wasn't SO bad and how a little Xanax never hurt anybody. Not to mention crack and meth and probably a little X thrown in there. Everyone else took it pretty seriously but she just kept whining and whining and asking stupid questions about why we were even being called in for an emergency meeting. The whole point is so we can get together and unite as a community against all the undoubtedly shitty press that will come our way. It's like when the local news has nothing better to report, they'll report about some alleged hazing incident or something which is completely ridiculous. I could offhand and completely jokingly say that we make our pledges strip naked and pray to the moon goddess while covered in chocolate syrup and who knows, fucking 60 minutes would do a special report about the hazing rituals and how being covered in melted chocolate would like kill you or something. And then advertise some foundation of like people who died while being hazed or some shit with some "be aware: chocolate syrup can kill" campaign. Puhleeze. Give me a freaking break. As if hazing doesn't exist in firehouses around the country and in other forces where real shit could go down.

Honestly, I wonder sometimes if The Elitist Bitch gets illegal prescription drugs. If she does, she needs more to tone down her whining and her unbelievably annoying voice which is pitched like to the absolutely most hideous tone in the world. I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard.

During the chapter presidents' and chapter panhellenic delegates' debriefing directly after our debriefing, it turned into more craziness since some of them were concerned about what was going to happen with the investigation. Apparently there might be a pill problem going on, which is going to cause even MORE problems. There were whispers of needing to get lawyers in case they were implicated. It got pretty serious, which just made everything like 15x worse for us in leadership because if this gets out, shit will really hit the fan.

I know for a fact that The Rockette (our president... play on words since she's on the school dance team and she's a nuclear engineering major and probably going to be a rocket scientist) takes Adderall when she needs to pull through shit, but I'm pretty sure she gets it from her little brother who has ADHD. We can't lose her because she kicks ass at being president and pretty much rocks everything she touches. I honestly don't know how she does it with all of the classes and research that she does.

I need to go lie down and take some aspirin for the building migraine.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Allez cuisine!

The Debutante House held their philanthropy event last night - a cooking competition based on Iron Chef, but modified to allow for more competition categories. Each house (frat or sorority) can submit a dish to each category. The frats get really competitive and it can definitely be hard to top them in categories like barbecue. They tend to dominate in anything that involves meat and marinating. Sororities tend to dominate in baking.

But the really big highlight and main event is the actual timed competition itself. It's set up pretty much like the show, but with 2 hours for cooking time. Each house basically gets a list of like 5 potential ingredients that could be the "secret" ingredient so they can put together some kind of strategy to come up with a number of dishes.

The House's team consisted of The Stepford Daughter, The Sorority Prodigy, The Always Excited Sister, and The Really Innocent Sister. The Stepford Daughter always has to get everything perfect and is totally anal retentive, but at least she gets things done and done well. The Always Excited Sister is ... as her title implies, always excited. About everything. It's a little unnerving really because nobody should ever be that excited about everything. The Really Innocent Sister is so naive and innocent about everything... it's a little ironic since she's her pledge class's and also The House's Littlest Little, which just means that by lineage she's the "baby". Her Big-Lil family line is the longest with current sisters in The House. She's like a Great Great Great Grand Lil since her family added another new Little to their line like every single time we've even had pledges.

Anyway, they all sat down with The House's chef and planned out menus for each item on the list. We love The Chef... he made samples of each dish so we could figure out what we liked best and then the team practiced with him. And The Pastry Chef showed them different desserts they could do too. The Sorority Prodigy told me the list of possible secret ingredients: tortillas, cream cheese, rice krispies (the cereal), apples, and beer. The theme was "typical things you'd find in a college student's refrigerator." I was surprised all the advisors (University, Panhell, and The Debutantes' own international) all approved beer as a possible secret ingredient. Whatever though they weren't going to pick beer even though that would have been so awesome. Instead, the secret ingredient turned out to be cream cheese and our dishes ended up being:

Artichoke Cream Cheese Spread on Crostinis
Chicken Manicotti
Thyme Cheese Potatoes
Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
Cheesecake Pops

SO good. And we won. Apparently people were thrown for a loop because cream cheese is something they only see on bagels or something. Well at least for the frats. Most of the sororities only came up with things that were sweets where we had a variety. We tend to care more than others about competition so we tend to win. Although there are some events which we just don't care all that much about because they're kind of lame.

Monday, March 2, 2009

If I were a BRO...

It's stereotypical or whatever but this is SO true. The Sorority Prodigy showed me about five minutes ago. It's based on the Beyonce "If I Were a Boy" music vid.

I need to show this to The Flirt among many others like ASAP. And also The Guitar Hero to some degree.

Snow Days and Impromptu S'mores!!

We got a snow day today because of the "wintry storms" (again... misleading since that sounds all happy and cheerful and really it's like a blizzard outside).

I got up and saw the email so I went back to bed for a few hours. No point in getting up early if there's no class.

Other than that.. nothing much has gone down. It's been a quiet weekend since people were too cold to go out. I saw Men's Cross Country run by earlier today... I would hate to train in the snow. I spent most of the weekend cocooned at The Mansion with The Guitar Hero which kept him pretty happy.

The Pageant Princess and I convinced The Houseboy to light a fire in the fireplace and we made s'mores with hot chocolate. SO good. I love having a houseboy to do random things like that. And kill spiders. It's super convenient and I imagine it gives girls practice for when they're rich trophy wives and have cabana boys to order around. I pity the houses who don't have houseboys to do shit for them. Of course, every year, our new pledges always attempt to flirt with our houseboy which doesn't end up working out since he's not allowed to date any of us anyway as part of his contract. He lives in the houseboy quarters downstairs which are pretty swank for college digs. He has a tv with cable and our House Mom just got a Xbox for the room so he's been enjoying that perk. He gets a small weekly cash stipend but that's just a bonus really since he gets free room and board. I love hanging out with The Houseboy though, he's totally cool and pretty awesome about giving random advice. He likes me more than most probably also because he and The Guitar Hero are like high school friends. We talk a lot about random stuff and we end up studying together since we have a class together.

Anyway, I should probably get around to doing actual homework...