Monday, June 30, 2008

It's the middle of summer. Why are people having "crises" about rush ALREADY?

I woke up this morning to find about 20 messages (voice/text/email) on my phone from assorted members of The House in various states of panic about recruitment. And I've yet to figure out why.

Yes, rush is important. It is the time where we fish out the girls who will be our successors from the girls who don't care about life enough to slick on some deodorant in the morning. But, we're not anywhere near it right now and The House does well every year. This year will not be any different, especially since The Rush Board has already put together a plan of action about our events and how we expect everyone to conduct themselves.

Miss Socially Awkward (who has always been a little slow in terms of fashion) sent me an email about not being able to find a white dress. What the hell? First of all... nobody said she needed a white dress for rush. To wear a white dress is actually a little stupid for rush, considering it's crowded and someone could have an accident with a glass of The House's Red Raspberry Cordial and your white dress would now have a giant red splotch on it. Unlike some houses (like The Dancers and Barbie's Dream House), The House doesn't believe in having assigned "colors" for each day. Honestly, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I remember when I went through rush and saw every single girl in Barbie's Dream House wearing black, grey, and red. They were like clones... which ironically is precisely what their personalities are like...

No, we prefer style over color uniformity. We instead choose a theme for the day and you must wear clothing appropriate to that theme. You may wear whatever colors you choose as long as they're flattering and fit the theme. And you can't wear colors that will clash with your Rush Team.

We sometimes hit snags with The Socially Awkward, who apparently have never seen a copy of Vogue, Seventeen, Lucky, or InStyle. Ever. But that's why we assign them to shopping buddies who must make time during the summer to go on a shopping trip with them.

In any case, I spent all morning calling these people back and approving the photos of their prospective outfits that they emailed me. I've rather envious of Little Sis #2's pumps... she got a brand new pair of Manolo Blahniks for her birthday. They're gorgeous and will fit right into three nights of Rush: Business Casual, Catwalk, and Formal.

The Sorority Prodigy came in about halfway through my replying to all these messages. She has impeccable taste, no doubt inherited from her mother. She walked in right when I was calling The Miser back. This girl drives me crazy. She constantly bitches about how expensive clothes are... because she only buys expensive clothes. I hate how hypocritically annoying she is. I swear you open her closet and it's all designer labels. She's also apparently never heard of a sales rack. She should really learn to hang out with The Bargain Hunter. That girl finds more discounts and sales than anyone else I know. Give her a set dollar amount that would seem impossible to outfit oneself for a given occasion, and she'll do it. It's amazing the rush you get when you find bargains.

The only legitimate call I got was from another member of The Rush Board, who was struggling to find a new printer for our sign that hangs outside of The House during Rush Week since the old printer went out of business and this is time sensitive since we have to get them the design and whatnot so they can print it and get it back to us by Rush.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sailing, Sailing over the ocean blue

I've decided to go on the sailing trip with The Guitar Hero's family. In addition to the perk of avoiding The Older Brother altogether, I doubt The Guitar Hero's mother would have let me refuse. Thank god I packed extra clothes!

The past few days have been relatively quiet. It's been nice. We sail the day after tomorrow.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Follow Me on Twitter

I'm now posting to Twitter (which for the less technologically inclined out there, is a microblogging service that allows me to post short messages up to 140 characters when I'm out and about and see something interesting... like fat people exploding or some idiot walking into a wall when he sees a hot woman). That way you get all the good thoughts and I can stop making mental notes to myself to blog about things I see.
Find and Follow: anonsororitygrl

Do it!

Ahoy, there!

Well the cruise was relaxing... The Guitar Hero (who luckily isn't as dipshitty as The Older Brother) believes me now and we are once again sailing through calm waters. Snorkeling was fun... we saw lots of Nemos and Dori-s and assorted other types of tropical fish.

The last few days have been far more interesting. I've been visiting with The Guitar Hero's family... they may not be of a family quite as famed as The Wine Heir... but they're from old money and known in the circles of upper society.

We got to his place during the late afternoon and his mother had some DAR friends over at the time. They were having tea... and so we got rooked into also having tea. That was when the interrogation began.

They grilled me about my family background and about my history. The whole group of old biddies was quite appalled that I never came out into society as a debutante and proceeded to cackle about their own daughters' coming outs. I really don't give two cents in shit currency about not having been a debutante. It's like a weird ceremony which mixes friends and family and alcohol... which is so often a bad combination. Plus you're usually too stupid at 16 or 17 to really enjoy the whole event. The Biddies only let up when they found out that I'm a member of The House. Turns out all of them are sisters and they're still active in their alumae group (see post about Alums...) Although the one nice thing about having old biddy alums is that they throw money at you. It's almost like being a stripper except more dignified and the customers are old women instead of men.

The Guitar Hero's Mother put me in a guest room in the wing of the house at the complete opposite end from The Guitar Hero's room (seriously, my room is on the second floor and his is on the third... complete opposite wings). I'll have to say this: the woman has impeccable taste. Which made me more sure of my clothing choices for this week. I feel very dignified in my choice of clothing. I only packed one pair of jeans and that's only on the off-chance we go horseback riding. I imagine she doesn't like jeans.

The Guitar Hero's Sister who shall henceforth be known as The Society Prodigy, is a sweet girl. She's still "young" (only a few years younger than us, but I'm jaded for my age) and just came out in society (I'm sure there are many of you snickering at the implication that she just came out of the closet, but no). She seems to like me... she came in and helped me unpack my clothes. She's a riding champ so I imagine before long I may be coerced to go for a ride. She's coming to The University too in the fall and she's primed for being a legacy to The House.

Which brings us to the point of dinner conversation. The Guitar Hero mentioned during dinner how I was really involved at The House and constantly staying busy (to which his mother said "And you still find enough time to spend time with my son?"... I smiled through that dig and nodded) and my position on The Rush Board came up, which piqued that DAR society woman's interest. Apparently she also served in the same position and she has vested interest in me since I could singlehandedly get her daughter into The House. Although I'm not sure why she would be so excited about the latter since we always give priority to legacies anyway. Even the trashy ones.

I remember last Fall Rush, we had this whorey legacy go through that everyone hated. She was offensive and rude and we wondered how any alum could spawn such children (until we remembered The Alum with the Bad Boob Job). We had to give her a courtesy return bid on the second day, but we dropped her ass to the bottom of our lists by day three.

I expected to be talking about The House a lot... but she grilled me on this year's Fall Rush plans... well into dessert. I got tired of it after a while since that's a subject I've beaten over and over again when dealing with my subordinates as well as the occasional stupid comments from Miss Socially Awkward and her band of awkward legions. In any case, I'm confident that The Guitar Hero's Mother approves of our rush plans after I explained them in detail, despite the fact that she thinks that stargazer lilies are too bright and ostentatious for the day of house tours and that cala lilies would be much more "elegant". Whatever. As if cala lilies aren't ostentatious in their height and alabaster appearance (at least with the white ones).

Oh well. Just a few more days and I'll be back home. Although The Guitar Hero mentioned a sailing trip that his family is taking and would like to take me along. I would have to meet some of his extended family, but I might just accept to avoid The Older Brother entirely since he's still moving his stuff out of our house and into his apartment. We still haven't talked since the incident and as far as I can tell, the majority of the family who now knows about the whole background story (surprise surprise) agrees with me and thinks he's retarded.

Off to a day of high society events...

Friday, June 20, 2008

It seems that insanity is more prevalent during the full moon...

I just read an article that The News Junkie of The House emailed out... that some girls from Massachusetts supposedly made a pact to get pregnant together. All of them are under age 16.
One even got knocked up by a 24 year old homeless guy!! (check it out here if you wish Pregnancy Pact)

What the hell were they thinking?

There's speculation that they wanted someone to love them unconditionally, because they weren't getting it from boys or parents or whatever. What the fuck. Just because you pop out a kid does not mean you're going to get a little mini-you that is programmed to love you. And actually, when you hear screaming and crying at 3 am, I imagine you won't love it very much either.

In fact, unless you are well-established with job security and strong family support, there are tons of reasons that children will only serve to make your life miserable from day one. One girl from The House got pregnant last year and it was NOT a pretty sight. She decided to keep it for a veritable host of reasons (mainly religion and because she had the luxury of choosing due to her family's ability to support the added burden). At the time, I was in a bunch of reproductive health classes and I witnessed what I learned first hand, which was educational and whatnot for me, but massively sucky for her.

Everyone who does not fall under the category of well-established and in a secure point in their lives who is making a child with the person whom they love and who loves them... should read the following and if you still want to have a child, you should be taken to a mental institution.

Babies may be cute... but remember that during pregnancy, fetuses are essentially parasitic leeches. They take over your body and use it as a host: sucking your life force, nutrients, and will to live out of you. In fact, we learned in Human Reproduction that if an expecting mother doesn't get enough calcium to support the baby as well, the baby will steal it from the mother's bones. Hello future osteoporosis. Sadly, while they suck nutrients out of your body, they manage to force you to gain anywhere from 20-50lbs and give you unsightly stretch marks which are pretty much here to stay.

Pregnancy is not glamorous. The Pregnant Girl in The House puked every morning and sometimes into the afternoons. She missed a lot of class while collapsed over a toilet. Really. This is college. If anything she should have been puking because she drank too much, but no. Ankles retain fluid and suddenly shoes don't fit right anymore. You will not be able to walk properly and will instead be subjugated to waddling. Not to mention you will be hot all the time and unable to find a comfortable position to sleep once you really start to get big. Did I mention really weird cravings and heartburn? And once that baby starts moving around, he or she will find the exact position to make you most miserable.

Oh yes, and the incessant need to pee. That baby will lodge itself in the precise position to kick your bladder just for fun. The Pregnant Girl in The House had to pee all the freaking time. Not only that, this one time when she was about 7 months, she fell in the toilet and needed help getting up. It was definitely not cute.

And of course, that's just all the beginning.

Pregnancy often involves lots of needles. Not your average syringe needles...we're talking the big kahunas. During an amniocentesis, which tests the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus for gender as well as deformities, the doctor sticks a rather long needle into your abdomen or vagina to broach the placenta. Though they use local anesthetic, this is not a pleasant experience. Also, once you go into labor, if you opt for the epidural, you're going to get one long ass needle up your spine, which serves to block off all nerve signals to the brain from your lower body.

And of course you've had to have seen movies depicting labor. Let me tell you, the movie Knocked Up was tame in comparison. The Pregnant Girl was screaming her head off every time she had a contraction and practically ready to start throwing objects that surrounded her bedside. Luckily, a nurse was wise enough to place these just out of her reach. Then during the actual labor process, doctors often have to take scissors and cut your vaginal opening to make it bigger for the baby to pass through without tearing. Cut. That's right. Because apparently clean cuts are easier to stitch up than tears. Think about THAT.

And then once it's all over, you have a child. A baby that will scream, cry, and ooze fluids of various colors and viscosities out of its every orifice. This process usually occurs at inopportune times like 3 am in the morning, which massively sucks in itself, let alone if you have work or school the next morning. The screaming will stop once you pick up the baby and feed it and rock it but once you set him or her down, the crying will commence once more.

Your body will still be doing weird things. Like oozing milk from your breasts, which will then cause you to resort buying bra pads to absorb the excess. They will also hurt if they're too full of milk so you'll probably need to invest in a milk pump.

And then there are the added financial burdens. The base average that I've read in the first year of life... is a whopping $10,000. And this is just for the BARE minimum. Don't forget all the work hours you won't have since you'll be too tired or unable to find work due to lack of affordable daycare.

Then when you don't have time to properly raise your baby and start disciplining them from the start, they turn into little terrors which evolve into bratty tweens and then you get your breed of future idiots and general drains on society.

Sure, there are exceptions to the rule. The Pregnant Girl happens to have parents who are well off and grudgingly willing to help her out. The agreement is that they will help raise the baby if she finishes school and gets into a real career. She's lucky. But guess what, even if you want unconditional love, you can't always have it since she can only see her baby on weekends or when she has time. Forget hanging out with friends, all of your time will be divided on work and the baby. The Pregnant Girl had to deactivate from The House because she just doesn't have time to be an active. She didn't have a choice.

Don't be stupid and make stupid choices without examining the facts. The whole childbirth/childrearing experience will come in time when you can actually experience the joys because you won't be constantly worried or preoccupied with the horrors. I hate when I read about people voluntarily doing things to make their life unnecessarily complicated.

What really took the cake though, was the fact that the doctor and the nurse at the school clinic resigned due to inability to distribute contraceptives confidentially. While I applaud their stand for contraceptives as another choice, do they REALLY think that was the issue here? Assuming that these girls were seeking to get pregnant, obviously they wouldn't have used birth control even if it were available to them. The root of the problem was not lack of contraceptives, it was the fact that they only chose to see the bright side of pregnancy and ignore all of the crap. In the end, they may not be to blame. After all, why would they need to make unconditional love if they received it or had support or someone to talk to them? Based on this story alone, I can't lay blame on the parents either... who knows what the real facts are? But somewhere along the way, there was a misconnect... whether it be in the support system or the inability to communicate the girls' wants and needs properly.

I can't wait to leave on the cruise and forget about sad stories like this about people making stupid decisions.

A week of insanity in all of its forms... another chapter of Sorority Experiences From Hell

Let's start with the tame...

The Family arrived for The Older Brother's graduation and proceeded to question why I was staying at a hotel. They concluded that it was because The Older Brother's Girlfriend wanted to stay with him and this false (albeit hilarious) assumption led to a yelling match between The Dad and The Older Brother.

The Cool Aunt realized right away that my moving to a hotel was the result of a falling out and proceeded to talk to me about it. This wasn't so insane.

The Older Brother then accused me of leading The Parents in the false accusation and told me that he should have expected that from a "a sorority bitch". I proceeded to remind him that his girlfriend was also, similarly, a "sorority bitch". He promptly told me (again) to stop hanging out with The Wine Heir. This is about the time when The Parents came and overheard that last bit.

They disagreed with The Older Brother but also questioned my motives since they know about The Guitar Hero (to an extent). This resulted in more shouting and general uproar in The Older Brother's room... which The Wine Heir just happened to be walking by at the time leading to...

The Wine Heir accosting The Older Brother about why he didn't want me to see him which then led to more yelling and it basically came near to blows.

This was all just the beginning...

At the actual graduation ceremony, The Parents ostracized The Older Brother's Girlfriend and didn't save her a seat, so she had to sit by herself towards the back. During the sitting time before the ceremony, The Nana then sat next to me and asked if I was seeing anyone. When I said "no" to make my life easier, she dropped the bomb and told me she knew I was seeing someone from The Mansion. Which led to another battle... this time between myself and my wily, seventy-something grandmother defending my dating choices, which led to The Family finding out and demanding that I bring him to the next family function. This all meant that The Older Brother had "let it slip" to The Nana to cause general pain, suffering, and mayhem.

I finally got the story out of The Mom later when she had had a few drinks. Apparently when The Nana was a pledge, the actives in The House Chapter that she was in sent her class on a raid to The Mansion at that chapter. There's some fastforwarding and something about The Nana seeing someone at The Mansion but then that was a dare based on their own pledge class's tasks and led to some sort of humiliation involving nudity and the front lawn. Which is more than I ever needed to know about The Nana.

Graduation was whatever... the pictures in my opinion look very forced. I looked fine... given all the times I just put on that sorority smile and pretend like there's nothing wrong...but The Parents and The Older Brother just looked tense.

Post-graduation dinner... The Parents invited The Wine Heir who sat next to me... at the end of the table farthest from The Older Brother. The meal was nice... steak, potatoes au gratin, wine (not from The Wine Heir's vineyards, amazingly), all served with a side of glares from The Older Brother and The Older Brother's Girlfriend.

Oh, but the real fun had yet to start.

The Older Brother's Frat had a huge party after we got back from dinner which was general debauchery but with some parents thrown in... which was just plain weird. But I guess it was alright since most of the parents had been Greeks themselves, which led to a beer pong tournament between The Fathers while The Mothers all sat around playing poker and making bloody marys.

While I was innocently sipping a bloody mary and watching The Mom kick ass at hold'em, I got a phone call. From The Guitar Hero. He told me he just got a call from The Older Brother which essentially twisted the story about me spending three hours on a roof with The Wine Heir. Which led to me walking outside and trying to talk sense with The Guitar Hero... who is generally fine with me going to all sorts of exchanges and philanthropy events which involve partnering with other guys. But, The Older Brother implied that this specific event would make me reject The Guitar Hero's pin. Apparently he was planning on pinning me when we got back to school. This led to him hanging up on me and no response to calls back.

And of course the cherry to top off the night would be that not five minutes after I got off the phone, The Wine Heir drunkenly wandered out and attempted to console me by attempting to convince me to date him instead. At this point, when I was just done with everything, he leaned in to kiss me and I felt a small prick through my shirt. He tried to pin me. With no grace, no acceptance from my part and a general lack of coordination due to his drunken state. I pushed him into a column of the house in self-defense and I left. I called a cab and went back to my hotel where I packed my stuff, checked out, and went to the airport to catch a flight home.

I haven't talked to The Older Brother since and as far as I'm concerned, he can take his damn diploma and shove it up his ass for his bitchy girlfriend to fish out. The Parents weren't happy about my method of escape but have left me relatively alone about the matter. They're too busy trying to figure out how to get The Older Brother to stop being a dipshit to worry about me. The Nana called me earlier today to "discuss the situation" about how she disapproves of my relationship with The Guitar Hero and to top all things off, thinks I should date The Wine Heir. I managed to talk sense into The Guitar Hero and convinced him to still come on the cruise that I had won before school ended with me. We're leaving tomorrow. The Wine Heir has not called me, but texts me repeatedly to apologize and hope that I will go out to visit him on the family vineyard. I haven't responded to them because as far as I'm concerned, the whole rooftop wine drinking was totally on a whim and that he hasn't had enough contact with me in the last few years to warrant me visiting him. I don't KNOW him well enough to want to. On the other hand, The Guitar Hero wants me to meet his family still and to make peace, I agreed to after the cruise.

I've spent most of this week as a recluse in order to prepare myself for the next two weeks. Not to mention I had to go shopping for all the right things for the cruise and to meet The Guitar Hero's family... which meant loading up on the sundresses and shelling out some serious cash for certain designers that The Guitar Hero told me his mother likes to see on young girls... which also meant studying up on said designers to some degree in case his mother decides to play quizmaster and see if I'm legitimately knowledgeable about all things sororitay. Luckily, The Mom and The Cool Aunt (The Dad's sister) seem to have some semblance of pity for my situation and thus, between the two of them, offered to foot the bill for these items. I'm grateful that they are contributing to my sanity and composure at the moment instead of methodically chipping away at it.

Here's to a hopefully peaceful cruise...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Old memories and a few new ones for the drama collection

So I flew out to The Older Brother's school a few days ahead of The Parents and The Relatives to spend some time hanging out. I'm staying with him at his frat so it's been pretty chill and whatnot. He lucked out and finished his finals ages ago so he's just waiting around to graduate. Most of his bros are done too so they ended up throwing a kegger for the seniors. It was... interesting... to say the least. It's been a long night.

Let's start off with the fact that the nickname "Jailbait" is still following me around. Although now The Older Brother has loosened up considerably about the whole incident. I imagine that he would still attempt to beat the shit out of any of his bros though, were they to hook up with moi. But, perhaps "Jailbait" is a blessing in disguise... it certainly isn't as bad as the nicknames the boys have given each other. For example... we have Sweetcheeks (you can be assured that most certainly doesn't refer to face cheeks, I heard the story), Dojo, and Shrek. Yes, that's right... Shrek. Apparently they're very well versed in their Disney/Pixar references, even though Shrek doesn't resemble the actual Shrek at all, in looks or mannerisms.

There were a couple of other girls at the kegger, although The Older Brother's Girlfriend was not in attendance (thank you Lord). She had a paper or something to finish. Also at the kegger was the frat bro that I made out with a few years ago. I recall having a few nights of great conversation prior to the actual makeout sesh... but I hadn't seen him in a while since I missed him the last time I came out to visit. We are sort of on an ongoing facebook messaging/wall-posting correspondence... but I learned a couple of things from The Older Brother about the guy's pedigree this weekend... apparently he's grandson to a decently well-known wine-maker and winery founder. The Older Brother claimed that he wanted to protect me from the wiles of the rich and those who "sit higher than we do socially and financially." I'm still trying to figure out whether he was serious about that or not... he could just be coming up with a bullshitty excuse. I don't think he seriously considers certain socioeconomy classes to be off limits... after all, our family is wealthy in our own right. But in any case... the following conversation ensued between The Wine Heir and me:

The Wine Heir: Jailbait! Glad to see you finally here and not avoiding me for once.
Me: You really think it's necessary to call me by that... considering I no longer qualify as jailbait?
The Wine Heir: Hey, memories of good times right?
Me: You really think you gave me that good of a time?
The Wine Heir: Ouch, just shove the knife right in why don't you?
Me: That's just the way I roll.
The Wine Heir: Up for a drink?
Me: Of what?
The Wine Heir: Well I was thinking about cracking open a bottle of Chardonnay that I have chilling in my room.
Me: Isn't this supposed to be a kegger... which equals beer last time I checked?
The Wine Heir: Yeah, but come on... for old times' sake.
Me: Ha=ha. Just because I got incredibly pukingly sick from sharing several bottles of red wine with you that night doesn't mean I need a repeat.
The Wine Heir: I said a bottle... not a case of them haha.
Me: Ha, well, wouldn't want The Older Brother to beat the living daylights out of you again now would we?
The Wine Heir: Oh he doesn't really care, he told me so later he was doing it to keep appearances up at the time.
Me: Right well, I could use a break from kegstands.

Splitting a bottle of Chardonnay? Right. We ended up spending the entire night sitting on the roof with said bottle of Chardonnay, along with several other liquors as the night wore on and then went out for late night food. Nothing happened, in case any of you cynics out there were cheering for the sorority girl to be a dirty cheating whore... but there was serious implication on his part. Don't take it the wrong way, he didn't make any outward moves, but come on... wine for two on a rooftop when there's a perfectly good kegger going on? Please don't tell me The Socially Awkwards are reading this and think that that is perfectly platonic, 'cuz let me tell you with the straight ones, it never is.

To be sure, I'm not about to go running to The Guitar Hero to relay the events of this evening beyond the kegger. I don't need jealousy cropping up. Although, I don't know. There is something tantalizingly sweet about The Wine Heir. Then again, it's not like I know him very well and as the old cliche goes, the grass is always greener on the other side. Who knows? He could be an idiot or a total frat boy ladies man, which is not what I need right now.

Of course this morning, The Older Brother accosted me and it wasn't pretty...

The Older Brother: So, you disappeared pretty early on last night?
Me: You were sober enough to notice?
The Older Brother: I don't get drunk at these things. You know that.
Me: Yeah, I went up to the roof to get some air.
The Older Brother: For three hours? With The Wine Heir?
Me: Yeah, so what? We split a bottle of Chardonnay and hung out. Not like anything happened.
The Older Brother: Don't pretend to be so innocent about it or think that I don't know what's going on. He's got a thing for you and you know it.
Me: Alright. So what then?
The Older Brother: He's out of your league and oh yeah, last time I checked you had a boyfriend. Don't be a skanky sorority bitch.
Me: Excuse me! I didn't do anything wrong. We hung out and talked about random shit that didn't lead to anything beyond more talking. What the hell's your problem and why are you so caught up on the whole "he's out of my league" shit?
The Older Brother: Because he's rich and he can have any girl he wants, including a line of golddiggers that won't hesitate to take you down in the society papers.
Me: Why the hell does that matter to you?! You know I'm dating someone right now who is also rich and from old money whose mother is a fucking member of the fucking DAR. Why doesn't THAT bother you?
The Older Brother: That's different. No one knows his family outside of that circle of people. Everyone knows The Wine Heir's family. Don't push it.
Me: You still haven't fucking explained why that bothers you. I have a right to know since you're being a little insane about it when there's not even anything going on between him and me.
The Older Brother: Just fucking leave it alone.

Aaaand that's where the conversation ended. I promptly took all my stuff and checked into a hotel. I don't need The Older Brother giving me some crap about dating within my class... which is an argument that doesn't even hold anyway, given The Guitar Hero's family tree.

This is going to be an interesting next couple of days...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

After getting an edjumacashun, you have to attend a gradumawashun

The Older Brother's graduation is coming up and I now need to think about packing. Thank god The Parents gave me a Tiffany's jewel roll last Christmas so I can bring along all the necessary accessories... seriously though, accessories make the outfit.

The Older Brother's girlfriend who is a member of The Barbie's Whorehouse sorority at their school will also be in attendance. I hate that bitch on so many levels. I still haven't figured out quite why The Older Brother likes her so much... probably because she enables him to work out his frustrations sexually... Honestly she goes around touting how much greater her house is compared to mine. What the fuck. We're not even on the same campus so she just really needs to cool that shit. Although, The Older Brother showed me several smack posts on Juicy Campus about her, criticizing everything from her bleached hair to her oddly robust breasts. There was serious speculation about a boob and nose job combo in one thread. Hey, I wouldn't be surprised. I'm sure having larger assets are worth extra premiums when you're sliding up and down a pole.

They're talking about moving in together after graduation and our parents are horrified. I'm fairly certain they'll do everything they can to prevent that. Who knows, maybe they'll even threaten to cut him out of the trust fund. That would bring some nice family drama and significantly increase both my share and The Little Brother's share...

In any case, it will be a huge family affair since it's the first kid's graduation. I'm sure both grandparents will be in attendance and probably a whole slew of aunts, uncles, and cousins.

The Guitar Hero wanted to come along and do the whole Meet the Parents thing, but I persuaded him out of it. I don't need the entire family questioning every little thing about him and I haven't taught him the ways of mastering my family yet. Old people are really good at wearing down at young people. Especially The Nana, my mom's mom who was also a member of The House, but at a different chapter. She HATED The Mansion back then because of some crazy drama that went down and I imagine she still has a fiery hate for them now... And seeing as I'm her legacy and favorite grandchild, she may feel particularly inclined to interrogate The Guitar Hero and possibly castrate him just for fun. Sure it's fun to be in a family that's been Greek for ages and ages, but it's not without its consequences and complications.

Ugh I'm also less than excited to visit The Older Brother's frat... which actually doesn't have a chapter at my school. I visited The Older Bro during my senior year in high school for like a weekend and I happened to hook up with one of the new pledges at the time. When The Older Brother found out, he gave that pledge the ass kicking of his life for hooking up with me... which has since earned me the oh so lovely nickname of "Jailbait" around their frat. And it hasn't gone away since that incident. Hopefully all of them will have enough combined sense between their two heads (ha-ha) to not use that name when The Parents are around... or else they will send me to the 13th circle of hell and threaten to cut me out of the trust fund.

Monday, June 2, 2008

BBQs and Drinking Games

It's surreal to me that Twin B will be getting married and moving in with The Generic Biotech Firm Guy within the year. But still, today was an interesting prelude to their married life. Apparently this house he bought was originally foreclosed and went to auction, so he got it for a steal... like less than one third the house's original value. What a steal!

It got kind of sickeningly sororitay once more girls started showing up and we decided it would be cute to take pics in front of various locations around the house... the infinity pool, Twin B's custom built walk in closets for all of her shoes, by the gazebo... I'm looking forward to not having to sorority squat in a big pack of girls for the next few weeks. My knees could use the rest. Not to mention it'll probably take that long just to stop seeing the ghosts of camera flashes...

But seriously, those closets are magnificent and glorious and every girl should have that much space.

I do have to say that I was complimented on my outfit, so I guess weaving around the fat fats was worth it despite all the agony I experienced.

The Guitar Hero, The MBA Guy, and The Generic Biotech Firm Guy were pretty much the grillmeisters and since they're all either past or present frat boys, the burgers were pretty decent. The girls all splashed in the pool and played a little volleyball while the boys were grilling. I wonder if Twin A is jealous at all... considering The MBA Guy doesn't have real work yet. I think they're even holding off on the wedding until he can find work and an apartment.

We decided to revive some good old drinking games and managed to all get pretty trashed playing quarters and beirut. Which led to playing chicken in the pool with those foam floaty things. That was interesting since both sides were equally uncoordinated after the drinks.

And then of course while we were drunk, Twin B AND Generic Biotech Firm Guy accosted both of us and somehow shanghaied us into being a bridesmaid and groomsman... which I suppose will be fun, but it's like involvement in a friend's wedding about 4 years too soon for my biological clock.

The Guitar Hero and I ended up spending the night since neither of us was up for driving back to The Mansion. But when we finally did get back, the Facebook event was already up with the date. Seriously, Twin B is a sorority girl through and through.