Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I love saying "I told you so"

Frat boys are so stupid. So there's this guy, The Inker, at Hilltop House... the boy has sleeves documenting his poor taste in choosing tattoos while drunk. And other assorted more exotic locations south of the border.

Well he was at it again this weekend... I saw him wasted on Friday and he asked me what I thought of his idea. I pretty much said it was probably not smart. He disappeared and apparently got a tattoo commemorating his love to this girl he really likes and hooks up with quite a bit. Apparently he's not phased with having this girl's name on his body glaring at his future wife. But yes so his brilliant idea... was to get a tattoo of a guy getting a tattoo that said "I love (insert girl's initials here)".

First off... how unnecessarily stupid. Why not scrub the middle man and just get the message? It'd be cheaper too since it'd be less labor intensive... but I swear The Inker treats his tats like designer clothing. I suppose in a way it is designer body art, but seriously his idea was just impractical. Especially since the message was going to be one that wasn't particularly meaningful.

Actually it would still have been fine... maybe even a little cool because it was a tattoo within a tattoo... kind of like Hamlet's play within a play (damn you Upper division Shakespearean Tragedies!) but he failed to take into account the initials of the girl he's dating. That's right... his tattoo of a guy getting a tattoo now reads "I love STD". I actually don't know who to feel more sorry for... The Inker... or the girl since STD really is such a horrible set of initials. What the hell were her parents thinking??

Anyway, The Inker didn't notice until I asked him about it today. That was sad. Granted he was drunk when he got inked... but for 3 days he didn't notice. And now he's forever going to have I <3 STD on his body, effectively blowing to pieces his chance of ever getting ass ever again.

Hahaha... it's mean but it's funny for me. Extremely funny.

Because I told him so. And because this is what happens when you make decisions when extremely drunk.

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