Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sunny with a Chance of Flashing

Some people are just incredibly amusing. Or stupid. And quite often, it's a glorious mix of both.

It was sunny but pretty frigid all day and when I left this morning for class, there was a thin layer of ice pretty much coating everything. So I wore weather appropriate clothing... jeans, Uggs, sweater, scarf.

Some did not choose to wear weather appropriate clothing. And the result was pretty amusing.

I don't even know if this girl is in a house, she wasn't sporting any letters and I didn't recognize her, but she wore a miniskirt and Uggs and a sweatshirt. Impractical, of course... who wears a miniskirt out in the low thirties?

In any case, she slipped on a patch of ice and went flying and basically flashed the world. Probably a frat boy's dream... but I didn't see any around since this was on the path back towards the residences. And let me tell you, did she have a cottage cheese ass. She slipped a few more times that I could see before I turned to go to The Row. Poor girl. I would pity her... except she decided to make bad clothing choices.

They say to be thankful everyday for something...

I am thankful that I do not have a cottage cheese ass. And that I don't wear miniskirts into the cold.

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