Friday, January 25, 2008

Foam, like champagne, is light, bubbly, and therefore fun

Foam parties are SO much fun.

Minus the fact that it's freezing outside so showing up to the party in a bikini is a little painful... but it's not wise to bring things to a foam party... they get lost in the foam. I feel a little bad for the bros at The Cave... I mean I guess the darkness set the mood for the foam party, but cleaning up that shit must be horrible. Ironic, because they're cleaning up soap basically... but still horrible.

That and people have been known to have sex in the foam. That's just gross. Tempting, because it's like sex in a giant bathtub, but disgusting for everyone else involved. Especially cuz the condoms disappear and aren't found until the bros start cleaning up.

But that's not my problem. Foam parties are awesome.

I can't wait for this party season to really get under way.

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